Sunday, October 09, 2011

Back in the Habit

I'm getting a hang of this blogging thing. With lots of backlogged outfits to post, I have had less pressure to  photograph, edit and post all in the same day, or at least all in the same sitting. As a result, I've been able to get into a groove, a regular schedule of everything that makes me feel less pressured and therefore more satisfied with my blog posts. And I find that self-satisfaction is increasingly more important as my readership (or at least my commenters) seems to decline. It really shouldn't be any surprise, but it's clear that the 2+ months off I took really hurt my blog...

As I embark on a very busy week this week, I'm getting ready to do a whole week's worth of posts, even if in rough draft form, to further stay on schedule. I'm taking off from work tomorrow because of the busy week ahead as well, which will enable me not only to blog, but to put the finishing touches on all the projects I set out to complete this weekend. So let's take a look:
  1. clean apartment!!!
  2. clean make-up brushes
  3. finally hang up and organize necklaces
  4. reorganize office closet (now that so much crap has been sold!)
  5. take old computer monitor to recycling center
  6. take shipping to UPS
  7. paint nails in Sephora by O.P.I Eve-y On the Eyes
  8. pluck eyebrows
  9. spend some time at coffee shop (to blog?)
  10. BLOG!
My jewelry display!

Maybe, just maybe, I'll be back to report on my progress. I mean, blogging on BOTH blogs??? I kinda love it.

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